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Use of the Assets and other functionalities

planets.cs->contains the main source code which contains all the functions which can be called.

decreaseorbitscale.cs->Its called when we click the red button beside orbit button in the menu.It reduces the orbit scale by a factor and gives the desired output.

decreaseplanetscale.cs-> Its called when we click the red button beside orbit button in the menu.It reduces the planet scale by a factor and gives the desired output.

decreacesspeed.cs-> Its called when we click the red button beside orbit button in the menu.It reduces the speed of the planet by a factor and gives the desired output.

increaseorbitscale.cs->Its called when we click the green button beside orbit button in the menu.It increases the orbit scale by a factor and gives the desired output.

increaseplanetscale.cs-> Its called when we click the green button beside orbit button in the menu.It increases the planet scale by a factor and gives the desired output.

increasespeed.cs-> Its called when we click the green button beside orbit button in the menu.It reduces the speed of the planet by a factor and gives the desired output.

deletestar.cs->use to delete the star depending on the filters.

display3D.cs->used to display the 3D view of the system.

displaynames.cs-> used to display the names of the planets.

filtercontroller.cs-> this function is used to control all the filters like earth size, habitable, sun like

laserpointer.cs-> this is used to create laser which is used to travel swiftly from one point to another point.

reset.cs-> this functions reset the entire state to the latest checkpoint which has been saved.

rotate.cs-> responsible for rotation of the planets and suns.

savestate.cs-> savestate saves the current state of the universe which can be accessed later.

planetsmeta.cs-> it contains the metadata about each planet present in the universe.

swapping.cs-> this functions helps us to swap one solar system by another by replacing previous with latter.

water sound- its the audio effect added when we move closer to solar systems containing habitable planets.

mercury-> contains texture of mercury

venus-> contains texture of venus

earth-> contains texture of earth map

mars-> contains texture of mars

jupiter-> contains texture of Jupiter

saturn-> contains texture of Saturn

uranus-> contains texture of Uranus

neptune- >contains texture of Neptune

sol- contains texture of sun

dashed arrow-> contains texture of dashed arrow.

binarysysteminformation.json- >contains json data of binary stars

defaultplanetarysystem.json -> it contains json data about 817 planetory systems.

allsystems.json-> it has json data about the current system which is being used.

inputvalues.json -> it contains 2 sets of data

1 original values- default values of the menu

2 changed values- values modified by user interaction with the menu.

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